Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Quotes From Laban Pastors Attending the Seminar

These are excerpts from our pastors' testimonies as they preached the Gospel:

"We crossed large bodies of water on foot."

"We slept in the forest."

"We lost our way."

"We preached in areas that do not know Jesus or the Bible, and some asked us, 'Have you seen Jesus?'"

"In some villages beer and alcohol is their daily portion. They fall asleep in a drunken stupor."

"I went to places accessible only by foot. It took me three days of walking to get there."

"I have 472 in my church," (this man walks on his hands and knees, a polio victim).

John Paul, six foot six inches, known as "Pastor Goliath" said, "I preached in a village very strongly addicted to marijuana. I am alive only by the grace of God. I was beaten with 300 blows of a nylon soldier's strap and collapsed unconscious with blood oozing out of my back. Finally, the soldiers stopped when two other local pastors testified that I truly had come to preach, with no ulterior motives."

Takes us back to New Testament Christianity, wouldn't you agree? What heroes of the faith!

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