Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Precious in His sight. . . Psalm 116:15 - Part I

The death angel has taken three more. We miss them so. death is a two-edged sword, an advantage for the believer, a heartbreak for those of us left behind.

Because life expectancy in Congo has dropped to only 43(undoubtedly due in large part to the war in the east) Jim and I never know who or how many of our staff will have been taken from our midst each time we return. Three have been called home since our last trip. They are Romaii, Jacques, and Mama Mumbunba.

Romaii was 47, a faithful worker and lover of God; straight as an arrow was his fidelity. We could always trust him. Quiet. The father of one and grandfather of three. He never drove a car, not even a bike. Supportd his many relatives educationallly on his modest salary. Made a little extra money by buying flour and selling it to the villagers in Longo. Dependable. Smart. Always smiling. We profited from his efforts and enjoyed his presence for twenty years. He walked twelve miles a day to and from work until we were able to purchase a vehicle for transport two years ago. That's twenty years of walking twelve miles a day five days a weeek. Adds up to threee-thousand miles a year if you figure in two weeks of vacaton. Twenty years later an inconceivable sixty thousand miles of walking has been his lot. I'm stunned. Are you?

Romaii was struck by lightning and he's present with The Lord. Precious in God's sight is the death of His saint.

Part II tomorrow.

1 comment:

bathmate said...

As always an excellent posting.The
way you write is awesome.Thanks. Adding more information will be more useful.
