Friday, October 8, 2010

To Think That...

To Think That...

...the man standing before me, who is teaching the book of Romans in depth, is the grandson of a cannibal.

...the vocabulary of those olden days, once centered in the base, vile plot of eating human flesh, is now a glorious expression of redemption, imputation, sanctification, predestination, glorification, and on and on as outlined by Paul in Romans.

...the darkness of slavery to the bewitching sins of his forefathers has been replaced with the light and power of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ thus bringing him to walk with God.

...the droning, repetitive chants which characterized their vocals, offered up to the spirits of their ancestors' approval, is now given over to, "There Is Power in the Blood" and "How Great Thou Art."

...their foolish, darkened minds and hearts surrendered to serving Satan are now surrendered to the high calling of studying and pursuing Jesus Christ through His eternal Word.

...they have gone to wearing loincloths, steeped in miry clay and ignorance, to being fully clothed and in their right minds.

I am astounded, Lord, at how far You have brought them. To this broad place and level ground You prepare for those who love You.

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